Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Facing Off

Have you heard that when you are facing off that you are supposed to hit the other person out of the way the go for the ball? WRONG!!!!! When facing off you need to put a mental timer in your head. You need to know that the Ref is going to say, "Down, Set, tweet" (Tweet=Whistle) When your facing off in the beginning of the game. Count how long it takes for the Ref to go from Set to Tweet then you will have the edge and get the ball faster. You don't hit the person. You use the trick I just taught you, and you quickly clamp and toss the ball out to your LEFT side.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Head Pinching

How to Pinch a Head

1. You need to warm your head up so that you can munipulate the plastic. Either put it in an oven or near a fire.

2. Gently push on each side of the head so it becomes more pinched.

3. Check to make sure that your head is still legal. If not restart the process.

Dying a Lacrosse Head

How to Dye a Lacrosse Head

1.Go to your local grocery store or pharmacy and buy your desired color of dye. (Best if used Rite Dye) I bought two packets of my color, and it worked very well. Around $5.00

2.Make sure that your head is unstrung. If your head has already been used and is not new, soak it in bleach for five minutes then wash it off.

3.Fill up a big stock pot with 14-16 cups of water. Bring the water to a boil, then turn the heat on LOW.

4.Stir in 2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar. Then stir in the Rite Dye.

5.Allow the head to sit in the water for 30 minutes. MAKE SURE THE HEAD IS COMPLETLY


6.While waiting for the head to finish fill up a pot with ice cold water.

7.Once the head has finished, gently remove the head with tongs and then immediatly put it into the cold water.

8. Allow the head to sit in the water for a couple minutes and then insert it into the dye mixture for 5 more minutes. (This is putting a second coat on it so if it gets chipped, it will still be dyed.)

9.After the 5 minutes, let the head sit out over night so the dye can dry completely. DO NOT RESTRING THE HEAD YET.

10.After it has sat over night, restring and the go show off your beastly head.